The Translator’s Summer Diary

Plan your summer around translation

There are so many workshops, seminars and conferences about literature and translation that I find it hard to keep track of what’s going on when and where. I have collected details about some of the events taking place between June and September, hoping that it might help you plan an academically and professionally rewarding summer. Most of the events listed below will take place either in Italy or the UK, though there are a few which will be held in other parts of Europe. I have tried to include costs and concessions whenever there was a direct reference to them as well as registration deadlines whenever they are particularly close.


  • 13th June, London : First Lines, an evening of readings by new translators.
  • 15th June, Vicenza: Libriamo 2013, tavola rotonda sulla traduzione dei sentimenti.
  • 27th – 29th  September, Urbino: XI Giornate della Traduzione Letteraria, programma in corso di definizione, costo 110€ (the date for this event has changed, it will now be held on 18-20 October)

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